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Month: September 2022

October 2022

October 2022


Tuesday, October 25 @ 7:00 PM

Online, a Zoom link will be sent.

Smart Phone Photography
for Flowers and Gardens

by Jan Doyle

Using a smartphone is a game-changer for people who do not want to worry about F-stops and shutter speeds. But your smartphone can do more than just point ‘n shoot. Go from ho-hum to wow by learning to improve your image quality, how to enhance your image easily, and understanding what makes a photo terrific.

Jan Doyle recently received the honor of Master Member for her numerous leadership roles and service to the New Haven Camera Club as Past President, Chair of Workshops, Filed Trip Leader, Competition Judge and Board Member; for her nationally viewed and awarded cable show “Wyse Talk / Classroom Connections” as well as for her past service on the board of the Connecticut Association of
Photographers, and presentations to local and national clubs.

Tuesday, October 4 @ 7:00 PM

Online, a Zoom link will be sent.

Developing Creativity
Exploring Motion and Gesture

by Mark Battista

NoHCC welcomes Mark Battista on Tuesday, Oct. 4th at 7pm for two new recently created online presentations on Developing Creativity followed by Exploring Motion and Gesture.

The presentation on developing creativity will focus on various ways of coming up with ideas that can be used to compose creative style photography shots. 

The talk on motion is another way to look at using the camera in a slightly unusual way. So often photographers want to freeze action, but this talk is focused on embracing motion and blur.

Mark graduated from Paier College of Art. While at Paier he was awarded ‘The Outstanding Illustration Major Award’. He is an award winning and nationally recognized painter and fine art photographer specializing in still life and portrait imagery. Mark is a juried member of New York’s Salmagundi Club where he has several works of art and also a member of the American Artist Professional League in NYC.Mark’s most recent endeavor is the publication of two new e-books Composition, Shooting with Intent and Creating Still Life Photography With A Painterly Approach

Mark has two eBooks available. See images below for details.