January 2022 Presentation
Tuesday, January 4 @ 7:00 PM
Environmental Portraiture by Bobbi Lane

Environmental portraits tell a story, by allowing a glimpse into the world of another individual, with a depth that surpasses the expressive capacity of a studio formal portrait. The subject is revealed by the photographer’s use of design, and composition of the background setting, with special attention to light, posture, expression, composition, and rapport. Each element divulges another aspect of the subject’s personality.
Bobbi shares her many tips, and multiple experiences in both the common place, and exotic locations. This presentation will help you connect with people, develop a deeper understanding of what all humans have in common, and assist you to make photographs that emotionally effect and enlighten the viewer.
Bobbi Lane, a Fujifilm “X” Photographer, is an award-winning commercial photographer specializing in creative portraits on location and in the studio. Lane’s multi-faceted approach to photography incorporates over 40 years of technical experience with innovative artistic interpretation. Her dynamic workshops are always both educational and entertaining! Her corporate and editorial work includes corporate websites, annual reports and hundreds of environmental portraits for a wide variety of magazines. She is widely known as the “Mistress of Light”, teaching portrait lighting techniques with both natural and artificial light. As a dedicated photo educator, she brings insight and enthusiasm to her students in workshops held worldwide.
This will be an online meetings and guests are welcome. Please send an email to: North Haven Camera Club if you’re interested in attending this meeting or click on the guest/membership for tab above to join our club.